Saturday 21 June 2014

Just how do you drive a motorhome through Austria

I'm trying to do the right thing here, and avoid being fined €100

The Austrian motorways are automatic toll roads; there are cameras on the gantries, and a system detects how many axles the vehicle has and the type of vehicle. You can easily buy a 10 day vignette since all the petrol stations sell them, from near the border and along the motorway and main roads in Austria. Vignettes are for cars, motorcycles and vehicles under 3.5 tonnes.

The trouble is that motorhomes over 3.5 tonnes (and our van weighs 4 tonnes), require something called a go-box, which is an electronic device that communicates with the overhead gantries and charges you for each section of motorway. Right, Ok, so we need to get one, and charge it up with some funds.

Only problem is that I cannot find a service station that sells them.

So I need to go into Salzburg to the Asfinag HQ and buy one, and they aren't open over Sat or Sunday of course. At least I can drive into Salzburg without using a motorway, but what if I couldn't?

I would have to drive through Austria avoiding all the motorways, and set my satnav to drive through every town, um, I don't think so. Unless I could just charge through every town like this animal....

So we shall wait a couple more days here in Berchtesgaden and get odd jobs done, like laundry, and fixing things.

Now that the washing is done, I reckon it must be time for a beer. This always helps.

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