Friday 1 August 2014

a healthy lifestyle

I think the Mediterranean lifestyle is a healthy one; science would apparently back me on this. Countries bordering the Med have lower incidence of heart disease for one thing. Research appears to back a diet high in fruit and vegetables, and fish, with an active lifestyle. And it used to be thought that drinking wine was better than beer. Olive oil is better than margarine - everyone knows this, don't they?

So how are we doing?

Well my list to a healthy lifestyle includes

1. Have a positive attitude to rain, it is needed and freshens everything up. (It rained for three days solidly after David arrived and I don't think it changed his positive attitude to life)

2. Have some balance to your life, and give yourself a few challenges, but aim to do things you have a good chance of succeeding at.

3. Besides fruit and vegetables, (and salads), eat more fish, and try and get a good variety of fish.

And if you must have a sweet desert after your fish, go for a walk after the meal. Watch the sun go down if you can. A walk beside the water is best.

Eat al fresco as often as possible.

4. get some exposure to the sun, it increases your vitamin D, and as long as you are careful not to get burned, you feel better for it. Your muscles and joints feel better, and so does your mood.

5. Get some exercise - if not every day, then several times a week. Try and do something you enjoy rather than just going to the gym (I am not sure if anyone really enjoys the gym)

6. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, just try and play gracefully (Ok so despite having no style and no grace, I did win the set, but only by a whisker) You should sweat abundantly (I can't publish a picture of this, it is just too horrible to see)

7. If you are lucky enough to have kids, then enjoy the things you both like doing together, because as they become adults, you get fewer opportunities. Try and increase the number of things that you can enjoy doing together, and learn from each other.

8. I left out "wear sunscreen, dance, and sing" because there was some American who pretended she was giving a speech to Harvard graduates who published that bit first. (Mary Schmich 1997) 

So I shall just end by saying:
"Do something original, and try something new every once in a while. You might like it"

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