Thursday, 7 August 2014

near Biograd, lake Vrana

Today we decided to explore the nearby salt lake Vrana, although Josip, from the campsite, appered to know very little about it. Perhaps that should have put us off, but it didn't. We had a packed lunch and off we went.

About halfway around the road that circles the lake I realised it was going to be futile since there were no roads leading to lakeside attractions. We had turned inland and then south past the town of Vrana, which has nothing to attract visitors, and then drove about 8 miles along a road which was sign-posted to the national park.

It became a single tar track, and I was almost forced off the road by oncoming traffic, which dampened by enthusiasm for the journey. Eventually we turned back as we were headed away from the lake.

Returning towards the Biograd coastal road, we found a sign for a small campsite and restaurant, and there found a shaded area to have lunch and walk down to the lake.

It was reeded and very shallow, and although there were a few people swimming, it did not look appealing.

It shows I suppose that not all adventures are exciting or rewarding, but you don't know that unless you look, and keep on looking.

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