Monday 25 November 2013

Selling the student blues

Selling on the student blues

It was about fifteen years ago;
A degree was free, and many did go.
The redbrick buildings paved the way
For a better life and higher pay.
They stayed at home if the money was tight
Oxbridge they sought, if they were bright.

The liberals promised to bring back the day
When the government made the public pay
To educate doctors – but no longer free.
They spoiled the trust, for you and me.
What could be worse than student debt?
20 grand for teachers, 40 a vet.

Now the government needs to cut more slack
The economy still needs a whip and a crack
It will sell the student debt to a bank
Who inherit the income and then they will crank
The interest up to the sky and away
What you study for now will cost more than they say.

So what is the lesson in this old mix
Be sure politicians are full of old tricks
They promise you much before you vote
But power corrupts and the same old stoat
Who gets your vote doesn’t really care
When you pay down the line for the degree you bear
Will you vote again for the party that lied
Or consider the other as more on your side?

For the doctors and teachers who hoped for much
It’s bad with the liberal-conservative touch
Our politicians seem only too keen
For power, prestige, and the taxing machine
Pay your debt off as soon as you can
Or failing that, you could ask the old man.

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