Wednesday 18 December 2013

Graduation Day for James at LSE

17th December 2013

We try and wake early to get into London for my graduation ceremony at LSE, but we’ve become late and lazy risers. The trip into central London is a little tense, since I am worried about being late. It is the start of a two day graduation binge, since Rachel gets her MFA from Goldsmiths tomorrow.

We get through the traffic and park, and get a taxi to LSE. Carol’s shoes don’t allow for quick walking, and a taxi would seem a good plan.

When we get to LSE we find of course that we have plenty of time after getting tickets and robes, and the degree certificate in three different queues. My degree is a Masters in Science, health economics, policy and management - MSc HEPM.

We meet up with Rachel outside the new academic building.

Inside the NAB, I pose under the huge red ball, for a couple of formal looking shots.

The ceremony is very grand, and we are presented to the director without caps.

Afterwards, we all share a glass of champagne at a reception in the Shaw library.

Carol and I stay over in London at the Royal Society of Medicine at Chandos House

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