Wednesday 18 December 2013

Graduation day for Rachel at Goldsmiths

18th December 2013

We set out from central London near Harley Street at 0830, parking at a private spot near to Goldsmiths. Rachel rewards us by bringing some croissants and we manage a quick coffee before going into the large hall for the ceremony.

Rachel and all her friends with the silver hoods are getting MFA - master of fine arts, Rachel with a distinction.

Rachel goes up to shake hands with her director, the Goldsmith tradition is with caps on.

Afterwards we go and have several glasses of champagne in a much more boisterous and cheerful party than the LSE affair. 

We met some of Rachel's classmates who all graduated MFA.

After the reception party we are invited to take home some of the decorations. We don't hold back...

and here is Rachel's favourite formal pose:

and ours, she's a star!

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