Saturday 11 January 2014

more art shows, and biking about

Rachel was home for a couple of days as she had a few exhibits at the Maiden Erlegh Alumni show, at the Peacock Gallery.

We helped her to format a looping DVD of a piece of art she had made called Flatland by Rachel Pimm, which can be found on vimeo - you can watch it in high definition.

The film is a play on the way we construct our living space and inhabit these spaces. Are the spaces real or just a stage, are the inhabitants real or just actors, is the dialogue spontaneous or a construct?
How much of our lives are truly spontaneous, and how much is constructed?

Carol with Rachel in front of her film piece, playing as a DVD on a laptop. 

The film is set in the stage that was the ideal home show for Christmas at Earl's Court, in four different rooms initially, and then shows the four characters coming together for a Christmas party but with no real dialogue, just a Meisner acting exercise in spontaneity and improvisation. It is slightly wierd and witty, and appears like a shifted reality.

She also exhibited a piece of sculpture that was a duvet that is made to look like a block of marble.
It was a good opportunity for her to get together with Amanda, one of the Auto-Italia art crowd, who was showing some art and some horticulture.

Today we just went for a ride, since Rachel has not been on the back of my BMW F800 R before.

I took the opportunity of Rachel being home to ask her advice on an art exhibition I am planning to have in the Spring or summer. I am going to do a series of portraits of family members in an unfinished oil portrait manner, with a graphic design that holds the series together in one room. It is going to be called "We are all connected"

This is what one of the portraits looks like in a very unfinished way, but perhaps I shall work on it a little more. This one has just taken two hours. Not a very good likeness yet! Guess who?

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