Saturday 21 December 2013

After graduation, then what? More work, or more art?

I am musing over what to do next. I mean, to what end should I now devote my energy, assuming I still have some. Almost four months since giving up work, it is definitely not more stress that I am after, but a new and interesting challenge. Graduating was a buzz, but what next?

The LSE new academic building has these things that remind me of thought bubbles...

So, as well as looking at new places to travel to, for new experiences, I thought perhaps I should see what jobs might be interesting. For a retired GP with an interest in health economics, and healthcare management, more in the way of new ventures rather than more of the old familiar.

Exit the old and Enter the new

It seems all the jobs for health economists are in market access for pharmaceutical firms, writing health technology agency applications, and overseeing the data requirements, and perhaps doing some economic modelling. All interesting stuff, but perhaps some stress involved, and very likely experience needed. I am rather short of the experience needed. Ah well, maybe international medical work? Should I mail off a few applications and see what comes of it? Probably, since one doesn't have to commit to anything until after an interview anyway.

So I have started painting again, and it isn't any good just yet, but one has to make a start. I am going to do some flower studies, this one is the first of a series on tulips from Holland.

Anyway it is Christmas next week and this is at the forefront of everyone's mind, not posting job adverts. Not painting, but wrapping presents, preparing food, and watching TV.

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